SEVERSKY, N. G. (Северский Н.Г.)
Photo by M. K. Beliavsky, St. Petersburg, Russia, ca. 1900
10.6 х 16.3 cm
Nikolai Georgievich SEVERSKY (1870 – 1941) was an operetta actor, composer, and producer. He was member of an old dynasty of Prokofiev-Seversky. Seversky began his career in St. Petersburg in 1890s, where he widely tours with concerts. Right before World War I, he got interested in aviation and became 11th Russian pilot. During the war he was a flight instructor at Gatchina Aviation School near St. Petersburg, where his two sons were training as pilots. He rejected the communist revolution and after fighting in the White Army emigrated to France. In 1927, he was producer at the Russian Theater in Paris, where he very early on staged The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov.