EIKHENVALD, A. A. (Эйхенвальд А.А.)
Photo by A. F. Steiker, Moscow, Russia, 1912
21.0 х 28.8 cm
Autographed on the back: “To deeply respected Ant. Serg. Bolshakova in good memory of A. Eikhenvald, 16 November 1912.” Antonina Sergeevna Bolshakova was daughter of a book seller, S. T. Bolshakov.
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich EIKHENVALD graduated from St. Petersburg Institute of Railroad Engineers in 1888. He got his Ph.D. in 1897 at the Kaiser Wilhelm University (the University of Strasbourg) and joined the staff of Moscow Engineering School; he was the director of the school from 1905 to 1908. In 1901, Eikhenvald became a teacher at Higher Courses for Women. He taught at Moscow University from 1906 to 1911 and from 1917 to 1920. He emigrated in 1920.
Eikhenvald demonstrated experimentally that a magnetic field arises during the mechanical movement of electrified bodies. In 1904, he proved that convection currents and conduction currents are equivalent. In the same year, he became the first scientist to show experimentally that a magnetic field is created when the polarization of a dielectric changes, that is, in the presence of displacement currents. In 1908, he performed a theoretical study of the propagation of energy during the total internal reflection of light. In 1934, Eikhenvald carried out a theoretical investigation of the properties of large-amplitude acoustic waves. (Source: The Free Dictionary by Farlex)